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Those of us who value the opinions of others, and who like to be taken into account, have a reason to celebrate: now we have eVote, a tool that makes participation available to everyone.

eVote is an innovative platform developed by SGO that lets people voice their opinions about matters which concern them and to raise their level of influence.

eVote facilitates participation in decision making at all levels, whether creating petitions to reform legislation, surveying citizens on relevant issues, or simply asking people to vote on everyday matters.

At Smartmatic, eVote has contributed to improve the communication between employees, for a more democratic decision-making process.  For instance, the HR department in our Venezuelan office carried out a survey in October where employees chose the most colourful Halloween decoration for the office.  Global Services, another department of Smartmatic, carried out a survey in July to find out the employeesopinion on our SmartU training workshops. 

Following this idea, Communications will use eVote in 2017 to know how our employees are using the materials produced by the department, which are hosted in our Corporate File Sharing service.  

This consultation will let us improve our content, and the way it is designed and shared.  Its worth noting that not all uses for eVote need to be corporate; for example, our HR co-worker Chilia Rodríguez made a survey to know if people thought the baby she was expecting was going to be a boy or a girl. 

eVote will strengthen communication between departments, and between all of us who work at Smartmatic. 

We encourage all of you to download and use this App store or visiting

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